
Septoplasty: Understanding Procedure, Recovery, and Considerations

Septoplasty: Understanding Procedure, Recovery, and Considerations

What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to address structural issues within the nasal cavity, specifically targeting a deviated or displaced septum. The septum is the thin wall made of cartilage and bone that divides the nasal cavity into two nostrils. When this septum is misaligned or deviated, it can cause breathing difficulties, nasal congestion, recurring sinus infections, nosebleeds, and even snoring or sleep apnea.

The Procedure


Before undergoing septoplasty, patients typically have a consultation with an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) specialist. During this consultation, the surgeon evaluates the patient's symptoms, medical history, and conducts a physical examination. Imaging tests like CT scans or endoscopy might be used to assess the extent of deviation and plan the surgery.


Septoplasty is performed under either local or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity of the procedure and patient preference. General anesthesia ensures the patient remains unconscious during the surgery, while local anesthesia numbs the surgical site but allows the patient to remain awake.

Surgical Steps


The surgeon gains access to the septum through the nostrils, avoiding any external incisions. This minimally invasive technique reduces visible scarring.

Adjusting the Septum

The surgeon carefully lifts the mucous membrane covering the septum to access the deviated portions. The septum is then straightened, reshaped, or, in severe cases, parts of it may be removed.

Reshaping and Repositioning

Once the necessary adjustments are made to correct the deviation, the mucous membrane is repositioned and sutured back into place. Dissolvable stitches or nasal packing might be used to stabilize the septum during the healing process.

Post-Surgery Care

Following the procedure, patients are monitored and provided with post-operative instructions, which often include recommendations for managing discomfort, avoiding strenuous activities, and keeping the nasal area clean to facilitate healing.

Septoplasty Procedure Steps


Patients receive pre-operative instructions, which might include abstaining from eating or drinking before the surgery.


Local or general anesthesia is administered to ensure the patient's comfort during the procedure.

Incision and Septum Adjustment

The surgeon accesses the septum through the nostrils, makes incisions, and repositions or removes the deviated portions of the septum.

Closing Incisions

The mucous membrane is repositioned and supported using dissolvable stitches or nasal packing.

Is Septoplasty Painful?

During the procedure, patients are under anesthesia and should not experience pain. After the surgery, mild discomfort, nasal congestion, and swelling are common, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications and following post-operative care instructions.

Septoplasty vs. Rhinoplasty: Which is Better?

Septoplasty focuses on correcting a deviated septum to improve nasal function and breathing. Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, primarily involves cosmetic changes to the nose's shape and appearance. Both procedures can be performed together if functional and cosmetic concerns exist.

Infection after Septoplasty

While infections after septoplasty are rare, they can occur. Patients are usually prescribed antibiotics after surgery to reduce the risk of infection. It's crucial to follow post-operative care instructions, including keeping the nasal area clean and avoiding activities that might increase the risk of infection.

Recovery and Expectations

Recovery Period

Patients can expect mild discomfort, nasal congestion, and swelling for several days to a week after surgery. Full recovery might take a few weeks as the nasal tissues heal.

Breathing Improvement

The primary goal of septoplasty is to enhance nasal airflow and alleviate breathing difficulties. Patients often experience improved breathing and reduced nasal congestion post-recovery.

Potential Side Effects

Temporary swelling, mild pain, nasal drainage, or changes in smell or taste might occur temporarily.

Septoplasty in Turkey

Turkey boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure with modern hospitals and clinics equipped with advanced technologies for various medical procedures, including septoplasty. The country hosts a plethora of experienced and highly trained Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialists proficient in performing septoplasty surgeries. Cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir are known for their specialized medical centers and hospitals offering comprehensive ENT services, including septoplasty. Many of these facilities are accredited by international organizations, ensuring adherence to stringent quality standards and patient safety protocols. One of the significant draws for patients seeking septoplasty in Turkey is the cost-effectiveness of medical procedures. The overall expenses, including surgery, accommodation, and post-operative care, are often more affordable compared to similar treatments in Western countries. To accommodate international patients, many medical institutions in Turkey provide multilingual services, including English-speaking staff and interpreters. This helps overcome language barriers and ensures effective communication between patients and healthcare providers. Several hospitals and clinics in Turkey offer tailored medical tourism packages, providing comprehensive services that include consultations, surgery, accommodation, transportation, and post-operative care. These packages cater to the specific needs of international patients seeking septoplasty or other medical procedures.

Septoplasty in South Korea

South Korea houses state-of-the-art hospitals and specialized clinics equipped with the latest medical technologies. Major cities like Seoul are home to several renowned medical institutions renowned for their ENT departments and expertise in nasal surgeries, including septoplasty. The country boasts a cadre of highly trained Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) surgeons with extensive experience in performing septoplasty procedures. These specialists are known for their precision, attention to detail, and advanced surgical techniques.

Septoplasty in India

India has a rapidly growing healthcare sector that boasts exceptional medical expertise and state-of-the-art facilities for septoplasty procedures. With a large number of skilled medical professionals, India provides a wide range of ENT services, including septoplasty, which attracts patients seeking specialized treatment from both domestic and international spheres.

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