Job Title: Gynecologist and Obstetrician
Specialisations: Gynecology and Obstetrics
Clinical practice and training in the field of minimally invasive endoscopic and robotic surgery in gynecology at the Acibadem Maslak Medical Hospital Center, under the mentorship of Prof. Mete Gungor.
Professional in-residence and training in the field of ultrasound pregnancy monitoring, intrauterine diagnostic procedures, screening and detection of fetal abnormalities at the Harris Birthright Research Center for Fetal Medicine, King’s College Hospital, London, under the mentorship of Prof. Kypros Nicolaides.
Training workshop and skills evaluation by the European Academy of Gynecological Surgery. Excellent proficiency in laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.
Successfully completed education in the field of ultrasound – the International Academy of Medical Ultrasound.
Professional in-residence at the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, Croatia under the mentorship of Prof. Zaputovic.