Dr. Mehmet KÖSE

Dr. Mehmet KÖSE

Job Title: Dentist

Specialisations: DDS, MSC, Prostodontist


Uzm. Dr. Mehmet KÖSE graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Dentistry in 2010. He completed his specialization training at İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Department of Prosthodontics. His specialization thesis was granted support by İzmir Katip Çelebi University Scientific Research Unit.

For the last 10 years, he has worked as a prosthesis specialist dentist while serving as the Responsible Manager at Private Barış IŞIK Dental Polyclinic in Didim. Dr. Mehmet had part in many scientific studies and he took place as a speaker at TDB International Scientific Congress, 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY STUDIES IN MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1st International Dental Research and Health Sciences Congress. He had been successfully awarded internationally valid training certificates "Advanced orthodontic training and joint-occlusion training" courses given by various private institutions.

Dr. Mehmet KÖSE serves our valuable patients in Adaport Dental Clinic.